This is a blog about science and conspiracies

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Very few know this; 33 degree knowing.

Hey guys welcome to my blog here is what we gonna talk about today. 

   The word principles let's define it

principle comes from the Latin noun

principia principia means first foremost

leading Chief or most necessary it is

that which Matters Most is the first things that must be

understood before anything else can be

understood principles have to come first

I'm attempting to take this information

out of hiding it's been hidden

The Hiding of it is destroying the

fabric of our society and putting us

into bondage it needs to come out and be

non-hidden needs to be unveiled and

shared widely and freely with anybody

who's capable of accepting it and

comprehending it now.

         And this is the problem our society does

not put principles first it puts

trivialities first and we're no longer a

society that even cares about principles

or first things so first things first

first things or principles have to come

first these are the seven general

principles of natural law many people

who have studied some variants of

occultism May recognize these as what

are known as the Hermetic principles.

      There is a moral obligation to bring

this information to the public now

the principle of mentalism states that

the all everything in creation is

actually a manifestation of mind they

always mind.

       Hey what this means is everything that

happens has to be a result of a mental state

which preceded it everything

for anything to exist thoughts had to

form first and then they formed the physical reality afterthe universe itself is a mental

construct of the creator

thoughts lead to the manifestation of

things and events

thoughts create conditions

thoughts create things and conditions

they cannot just magically manifest

themselves thought comes first

thoughts create our state of existence

and the quality of our experience here

on Earth ultimately.

         Therefore we should be responsible for

everything that we create by being

responsible for that which we think

because the thought processes are what

are driving the behaviors people behave

the way they do because they have

certain belief systems embedded in the

mind and running like a program their

thoughts and their emotions are driving

their actions.

         So the behavior is not magically subtly

gonna just change the thoughts and

emotions have to change because they're

the driving force behind the behavior

that's when reality will change.

       See people don't want to hear that once

again they don't want to hear if you

want to change reality you yourself have

to change the way you think because the

way you think is not conducive to the

requirements for getting what you say

you want.

         They're doing the exact opposite of that

in many cases

so that's the principle of mentalism the

principle of Correspondence states that

that which is above is similar or like

to that which is below

so what this means is.

     That which is below and that which is

below is like to that which is above

it's a mirror okay the above is like the

below the below is like the above all

right the above in this case is the

macrocosm okay the laws of the very

large things okay the laws that govern

the creation which we consider is

seemingly outside of ourselves so the

macrocosm or the very large the totality

of everything and the microcosm which is

the very small or the individuated units

that comprise the whole in their

aggregate okay.

      They are reflections of each other

they cannot be separated from each other

as one goes the other goes

the universe is actually a holographic

system it's a hologram is an image okay

you pass a laser through it and it then

projects a 3D image okay it's like a

flat image and IT projects a

three-dimensional image but the aspect

why they call it a hollow like holistic

hologram holistic image is if you break. 

      A hologram into multiple components by

cutting it so if I take a hologram and I

cut it in four pieces you don't have a

quarter of the image on one part of the

Hologram and a quarter on the other and

a quarter on the third and a quarter on

the fourth you have four whole images

that only lose their resolution by a

quarter so. 

        Everything is contained in all the

smaller parts

okay that's like the reality that we're

living in our universe is a holographic

one so the universe is inside the


and the entire universe is like an

individual the reflections of each other

the other part of the principle of

Correspondence is that our reality is

also fractal in nature now if you

studied fractals these are self-similar

mathematical generated patterns okay we

see this through things like Fibonacci

sequence in in mathematics and this is

repeated endlessly throughout nature you

look at the um structure of the atom and

it's similar to the structure of the

solar system which is similar to the

structure of the Galaxy they work the

same way they look the same you pull

back enough you'll keep seeing the same

pattern repeat so.

        The universe is both holographic

meaning the whole is contained in the

parts and vice versa and it is fractal

or self-similar across all scales of its

existence that's the principle of

Correspondence the principle of

vibration simply states that there is no

such thing as rest as dead or or

non-motion okay.

          Death in that sense is an illusion

because true death would be the

cessation of all motion and energy there

is no such thing it doesn't exist you

cannot go anywhere in creation where

something is at complete rest.

          Everything moves everything vibrates and

at the most fundamental level the

universe and every single thing which

comprises it is ultimately pure

vibratory energy that is manifesting

itself in different ways different

frequencies different vibratory forms

the universe has no true solidity as

such as we imagine solidity at the macro

Cosmic level.

         Matter is merely energy in a state of

vibration so

nothing is truly solid you know it's

it's a SP it's again like we say we are

Spirit having a human experience the

whole universe is spiritual having us us

experience in salinity all right that's

how you have to look at the principle of


           The principle of polarity states that

everything has a dual nature to it there

are polarities in everything that exists

okay everything has poles everything has

its pair of opposites.

       However, opposites they they are

identical in nature but they're

different in degree so let me give you

an example of what that means

are hot and cold really opposites or can

we simply look at them as the presence

of heat energy or the absence of heat

energy meaning that they're the same


        Energy and whether it's concentrated in

a specific area which would make it hot

or whether it's absent from a specific

area which would make it cold

okay that's what hot and cold are at the

fundamental level at our level of

perception there are opposites but at

the fundamental level they're the same

thing energy or it's or lack thereof

extremes can meet and blend and you know

play with each other like as depicted in

the yin yang symbol masculine and

feminine they need to be Blended and at

some level of reality everything that is

seemingly contradictory may be

reconciled now again I stress the term

at some level at the unified field level

this everything is consciousness pure

Consciousness however at this level

there are differences in Consciousness

at this level there are things that are

taking place that we need to understand

at this level there are things that we

need to set right and rectify because it

does matter it does matter so again be

careful with some of the new ageisms

that get put out there yes do it can all

paradoxes be reconciled at some level in

this realm.

           We need to have our feet on the ground

in the physical domain let's look at the

principle of rhythm everything flows out

and in everything has its Tides all

things rise and fall okay so everything

has a rhythm to it or a swing to it

there's tendencies that exist in energy

the pendulum swing manifests in

everything that we undergo everything we

perceive the measure of the swing to the

right is the measure of the swing to the

left it's just an opposite it's

perceived as an opposite Rhythm will

compensate now what this how this should

be understood when we are talking about

natural law many people will say well

that's just the way the tendency is

moving us it's just the way the tide is

taking us right but that's not really

accurate okay we can't look at these

things as that The rhythms are set in

stone and it has to be this way now

right one of the things that a lot of

the Hermetic tradition taught regarding

these laws these principles were they

can be overcome.

         Buy higher levels of consciousness okay

this one was one of them Rhythm is a

principle that is a tendency for

something to swing a certain way let's

look at it as you have a boat you want

to row the boat out to sea right

you have to get past the tide you have

to get past the breakers and the waves

and if that Tide's really strong at high

tide it's going to be very much more

difficult you're gonna have to expend

more energy to get it out to sea if

however you were taking it when the

current's moving out to sea okay there's

a a flow that's moving outward deeper

into the ocean and you start rowing that

boat then you're going to be able to do

it much more easily okay so if there's

if there's winds pushing along a plane

it's going to have to expend less energy

it's going to get there more quickly

because it's adding to the energy if

however you're flying Against the Wind

you've got to expend a lot more energy

it's just the tendency you can still get

to where you want to go you may just

have to exert more effort so that's the

principle of Rhythm this is the

principle here in natural law that most

fits in with how I'm using the term

natural law today cause and effect many

people again in the New Age Community

don't want to believe that there's

causes and effects and that effects are

driven by causes that you know come

first and then manifest conditions so

the principle of cause and effect simply

states that every cause has its effect

and every effect has its cause

every single thing that occurs happens

according to law all right chance is a

name for law a law not recognized

there are many planes of causation but

nothing escapes the law so again is

there free will yes there is free will

but is there free will to ignore Law

Without consequence no there is not

that's the limit of free will

Free Will is operating within boundary

conditions that I'm referring to as

natural law.

        Series of laws actually okay

Free Will operates Within These

parameters or boundary conditions that

cannot be exceeded or gone beyond

without consequence oh yeah you can

break natural law yes you can break it

but you cannot break it without


             You cannot break it without consequence

negative consequence and that's why this

body of knowledge has in the past been

referred to as consequentialism it is

the knowledge of how consequences are

generated by our Free Will

decision-making processes within the

boundaries of natural law

will the effect happen immediately no it

will not happen immediately there is a

time lag.

         You set the cause into motion the

universe is going to intelligently bring

to you through a rearrangement of all

the Dynamics that it needs to rearrange

the effect of what you've generated by

setting that cause and emotion and there

is a Time gap between the the cause

going into place and the effect coming

around and hitting you this is why the

pattern recognition of cause and effect

is more difficult because it is

separated by a time lag by what we

perceive as linear time now.

          If you they're wrong to somebody

and immediately you were stung by a wasp

every single time you did it wrong to

somebody it showed up and bit you

immediately within two seconds of you

hurting somebody stealing from somebody

lying to somebody.

        Would you start to connect the stinging

to the wrong that you did I think most

people would see the pattern they would

recognize the pattern but since that

doesn't happen and there's a time lag to

gener to experiencing something harmful

to ourselves once we do something

harmful to other people it's very

difficult for people to see the

connection through the time lag so this

is ultimately going to come back and

bite us you know and what we said into

motion is going to actually topple over

onto us if we don't change our thoughts

emotions and behaviors.

         The the next thing that needs to be

understood is the two planes all right

there's the plane of effects and then

there's the plane of causes

no power to affect any change lies on

the plane of effects which is the

physical manifested reality

again what already is nothing can be

done about what already is you cannot


           You cannot change the past

you can change what it is starting now

and make sure that it gets changed in

the future

but right now what is is the truth and

all you can do is accept that or reject


        You can't change the past so the

physical world that is manifested up to

this point happened because of things

that occurred in the past the causes

happened in the past nothing you could

do about that right now.

        The plane of effects or the physical

world is where

manifested realities have already

occurred have already taken shape have

already formed due to their underlying

causal factors.

        The plane of effects constitutes that

which has already occurred as such no

power to affect change lies here because

that which has already occurred cannot


         That which has occurred can't undo

itself it happened it's already done

it has become that which is or truth

human consciousness seems to be trapped

upon the plane of effects meaning that

Humanity as a whole remains ignorant of

the underlying causes causes which they

themselves have set into motion and

which lead to self-inflicted suffering

in their lives.

         So if you're trapped at this level what

you're doing is you're looking at the

symptoms and you're stuck looking at the symptoms

so let's look at the plane of causality

this is the other plane this is the

mental realm the mental world again

according to the law of mentalism the

first principle of natural law

everything that manifests must first

manifest in mind before it can manifest


           So again if the plane of causality is

the mental world that's generating the

causes in mind okay

everything is happening there first and

then it is trickling down to the

physical domain

it is manifesting in the physical domain

only after it has manifested in the

mental world

the plane of causality is where causes

are set into motion prior to those

causes manifesting as formed realities

in the plane of effects

the final principle of the um seven

principles of natural law at least the

the formalized ones are gender gender

exists in everything everything has its

masculine and its feminine components or

principles we've already seen that when

it comes to human brain Consciousness

world view Etc

gender manifests on all planes of


spiritual mental physical everything

very simple concept what I want to

briefly talk about is mental gender

mental gender is the state of

coexistence between the masculine and

feminine aspects of the Mind

our left brain hemisphere largely

facilitates the masculine aspects of the

Mind where the intellect logic

analytical thought linear thought

processes while the right brain

hemisphere largely facilitates the

feminine aspect or intuition meaning

creativity compassion and holistic

thought processes this next section is

what I call the Lost principle this is

the eighth principle of natural law

which binds all of the other principles

together it is what I would call the

encapsulating principle

hey it's the container inside which all

the other principles fit very nicely and

neatly you hear very few other

researchers even people who are studying

this from the occult perspective who are

studying this from the consequentialism

perspective you very hear them

incorporate the eighth and all

encompassing principle this pattern is

called something does anybody know what

this pattern is called the seed of life

now what happens from a seed

grows it generates something it creates

something a seed has an outer casing an

outer shell that if you're going to get

to the inner core of it that contains

all of the creative genetic generative

material okay that shell has to be there

and intact you break the shell of the

seed the creative essence of the seed is

going to be gone

now what is that principle here's what

that principle is it's the eighth or

what I call the Lost principle

and it's the thing that has to be

present in order for any change to

manifest itself and it is not what most

people think of it as even when I tell

you what this is I guarantee you there

will be a inaccurate connotative meaning

for what people think this means okay

here's what the eighth principle is it

is known as the generative principle or

the principle which governs creation

which actually is the causal factor that

goes into effect and generates the

result that we say that we want but

what's the real term for it who can

guess what the actual term what the

generative principle of creation

actually is the generative principle is

care now

this is different than compassion people

say why don't you use the word

compassion because that's not what I'm

talking about it is a different concept

than Compassion or even what I would

describe as love

this means

what are you giving attention and

helping to grow what are you focusing

upon because what Focus you're focusing

upon that's what's ultimately getting

generated getting created and growing

and this doesn't mean be ignorant of

what's going on in the world and don't

look at anything that's negative because

you're going to feed that and give power

to it that's not what it means that

means you know what you're feeding in

that instance if you want to do that

you're feeding ignorance and that's

what's going to grow

it's the exact opposite that the new

agers want you to believe that it is by

ignoring the negative you are ensuring

that more of it occurs

you are fueling it by ignorance

ensuring that it grows and takes over

what care has to be looked at here as is

this is what you're giving your energy

to this is what you're focused upon this

is what you actually care enough about

to do to spend your time on to put your

attention on to manifest in the world

that's what I'm talking about as care

that's what generates our experience in

the aggregate most people don't care

about what's really happening

therefore it is an impossibility for us

in the Agri aggregate to change the

direction of energy to change the

direction of Consciousness and

ultimately to get what we say we want

that's how the real Law of Attraction

Works here's how it actually operates

the Lost principle is the dynamic of

care what we care about on a day-to-day

basis acts as the driving force of our

thoughts and actions what did I say we

need to develop the heart mind guts

right heart mind guts in that order

care comes first you've got to care

enough to know

to develop the knowledge

okay then you got to act on it and put

it into practice

apply it

so that's the order heart mind guts

care knowledge action

those are the steps and all three of

those have to be in place

all three

that's what Unity Consciousness is it's

unifying false emotions and actions

the three aspects of Consciousness such

there is no contradiction between them

our thoughts what we say what we think

how we feel and how we act are one and

the same there's no contradiction that's

Unity Consciousness care is the driver

of our thoughts and actions it all

ultimately can be seen as the generator

of the quality of our shared experience

here on the earth care is what generates

the whole thing hence it has been called

the generative principle

liken the heart to a pump in the body

well what does a pump do it's a

generator it provides energy it moves

the Life Force Through the blood in the

body in every ancient tradition they

talk about the life force being in the

blood the heart is what pumps that

through the whole physiology and enables

us to continue to sustain life okay the

heart is the generator it's the pump

it's the center of the being as

important as the brain is which we just

talked about the importance of it the

heart is ultimately what's generating

The Experience because what we care

about determines what we think about on

a daily basis most of the time and

therefore how we behave and anybody

familiar with the compasses and square

symbol of Freemasonry with the G in the

middle well that's what the G stands for

at the highest level you'll talk about

many many porch Masons these are the

exoteric Masons that are given the

teachings of the profane and they think

they're in the know okay they're given

the the information well this only means

geometry it only means god.

     Okay one of the things they'll tell

you it means in at a slightly higher

level is that it means gnosis

knowledge at a higher level at

illuminated levels of Freemasonry which

are above 32nd degree they will give you

what the real.

meaning of the G inside the compasses

and square is and it is the generative

principle it means Genesis


and yeah you can tie that right back to

God I'm not saying those things are

different and the the forms that get

created in the physical manifested world

are geometric forms so it is geometry as

well it's all these things but at the

highest level it's the generative

principle that's what that g really

stands for in esoteric Freemasonry it's

called the generative principle because

that means to create it comes from the

word generative comes from Latin the

verb generate as we've already talked

about means to create.

       The generative principle is what we

create through

and it's lost because people don't care

they don't have care hence it's the Lost

principle okay here's how it works folks

what we care enough to put our will

behind so again heart mind guts

guts is the will.

        The action the masculine principle

that's what gets gets things done

ultimately in the physical domain what

we care enough to put our will behind

and that's driven by the care that's the

generator or the pump that drives the

will what we care enough to put our will

behind is ultimately what gets created

or manifested in our world.

       The world is the way that it is because

most people do not care enough even if

they say they pay lip service

okay and say that they want things to be

different they don't care enough to

actually change it through their actions

what it comes down to is preventing


      Preventing action that's what the new

age Community is designed to do they

want people inactive because the darker

cultists know that the thing that is

ultimately generating our reality is

behavior action is what's generating the

reality that gets generated through what

we care about because our cares and our

desires Drive our actions so most people

will say they want things to change but

then when you say what are you doing to

make that change happen.

       Not a word silence comes back on the

other end they don't care enough to

change it through their actions that's

what the generative or lost principle is

about until that principle is regained

and people get out of their laziness and

most of all get out of their cowardice

again in that new age lecture I'm

talking about what It ultimately comes

down to in the New Age movement and I'll

look at any new Ager in the eyes

they're cowards.

         Ultimately they know the evil that we're

up against and they intend to do not a

damn thing about it

that's what it really that's what it

really comes down to and anybody telling

you it's different than that is lying to

you they're cowards period and I'll say

it right to any of their faces anything

I say up here else anybody that believes

in that nonsense come and bring them to

me I'll tell them right to their face

straight and open just like I said it

here because I don't care.

         So I'm telling you this religion has to

go it's got to go if people are going to

make real change happen

the idea that it can't be done

uh that it can be done without taking

actual real world action has to be

purged from human consciousness reality

does not work like that period the end

and I can't make you accept that I

recognize I can't make anybody in this

room accept that all I could do is put

it out there for your consideration and

if you have some common sense and really

really think about it you'll understand

what I'm saying here is absolutely the

way it is.

        Many people want to deceive you through

these religious Notions which is all

about getting people to stand down and

accept their chains

that's what that religion's in place for.

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