This is a blog about science and conspiracies

Thursday, January 26, 2023

What really happens to the the Earth's most secretic place.


Hey guys welcome to my blog. Here is what we are going to go through today.

 What do richard nixon jack

london david packard walter cronkite

herbert hoover michelle rocker george

bush senior and clint eastwood all have

in common are they

a all american all dead or 

all one time members of a shadowy secret

society that carries out creepy and

possibly satanic rituals in the woods at


well let's see unless my timing with

this video is really bad then clint

eastwood should still be alive so

that's b out

and former prime minister michelle

rocker was more french than frog's legs

so a's out as well which leaves us with


but that obviously can't be true i mean

all those important and respected men

running around in the woods as part of

some shady illuminati-like organization

that would be insane

actually it is insane

because it's 100 percent


now folks if you've watched my channel

for a while you'll know i'm a huge fan

of manscapes and their new performance

package 4.0 kit which is the world's

first all-in-one men's grooming kit that

makes trimming the hedges safe

and easy but manscaped is so much more

than a ball trimmer company because

their new performance package 4.0 bundle

now includes their awesome weed whacker

nose and ear hair trimmer this

impressive trimmer comes with the same

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that means less nicks snags and tugs the

manscaped weed whacker uses a powerful

9000 rpm motor with a 360 degree rotary

dual blade system

allowing you to safely whack your weeds

i should know i've worked quite a few

myself with this thing plus it's the

only nose hair trimmer on the market

with a cordless rechargeable lithium-ion

battery that lasts for up to 90 minutes

of use it really is time to upgrade your

manscaped routine with the weed whacker

nose and ear hair trimmer and the best

part is if you go to

forward slash 42 today you'll receive 20

off and free international shipping at


that's forward slash 42. i

think i speak for all of us when i say

thank you to manscaped for keeping our

pubes trimmed

and our noses free of weeds

every single one of the people i just

mentioned presidents actors leaders of

industry celebrated writers

was at one time or over a member of the

bohemian club perhaps the most powerful

private organization in existence and

also one of the most controversial

thanks to its reputation for doing some

shall we say

unusual things when the world is looking

the other way

the bohemian club was founded in san

francisco way back in 1872 by a group of

journalists with an interest in the arts

but over the course of its near 150 year

history the demographic of its members

has shifted dramatically the artists are

still there but these days the

journalists have mostly been replaced by

a generous helping of some of the most

influential men alive we're talking

multiple u.s presidents ceos of the

world's largest companies ivy league

university directors curators of

renowned museums

leading scientists and a whole host of

prominent politicians and policy makers

from across the globe it used to be said

that if you weren't on the waiting list

for membership by the age of 30 you'd be

dead before being accepted but it isn't

just a long list of illustrious members

that makes the bohemian club

so intriguing because

every year a couple of thousand of its

members descend on a private tract of

redwood forest in northern california

for what can best be described as a

two-week scout camp with a twist

that twist being remarkable amounts of

alcohol a series of bizarre rituals and

some of the world's most powerful men in


welcome to bohemian grove

the camp kicks off every year in the

same strange and slightly terrifying


with the ritual burning of a human


i meant with the ritual burning of a

human effigy in sacrifice

sorry that was quite an important

difference wasn't it

this ceremony known as the cremation of

care is purely symbolic the effigy

represents the club members many cares

and responsibilities

by burning it the worries of the outside

world are banished to spice things up a

bit the whole ceremony takes place under

the watchful gaze of a towering 12 meter

owl statue the bohemian club's mascot

this giga owl takes an active part in

the ceremony too

speaking in the pre-recorded voice of

legendary news reader walter cronkite

and just in case all of that wasn't

weird enough bohemian club members who

take part in the ceremony all wear what

look like ku klux klan robes that

someone accidentally put through the

wash with a red sock it probably sounds

like i'm making all of this up but

seriously the cremation of care ceremony

happens each and every year to open the

bohemian grove camp

alex jones of infowars fame even managed

to film it once after sneaking into the

grove back in the year 2000

scarily enough having witnessed the

ceremony first hand

jones was convinced it wasn't an effigy

that was being burnt at all but an

actual living human child

sacrificed by these

men who rule the world as part of some

disturbing occultist ritual

once the cremation of care is out of the

way and everyone's worries have been

thoroughly incinerated

the camp truly begins

the location itself is stunning by the


nestled amongst towering california

redwoods the world's largest trees

bohemian grove is big enough to house

several thousand club members


there's an open-air dining circle that

can seat

1500 people and as for sleeping

arrangements there are a dozen or so

smaller camps spread across the site

each with its own distinct reputation

and famous patrons

george bush senior walter cronkite and

nasa astronaut frank bormann are known

to have favored a camp known as

hillbillies and herbert hoover was a

longtime occupant of caveman make of

that what he will

this picture from 1967 was taken at

breakfast in a camp called owl's nest

one of the most prestigious

harvey hancock is the one in the middle

he was eisenhower's campaign manager

during the 1952 american election the

guy sitting on either side ronald reagan

and richard nixon oil magnate edwin

paulie and nobel prize winning chemist

glenn seborg are also present

so how do these masters of the universe

spend their two-week sojourn in the

forest aside from burning children alive

obviously well there are daily lakeside

talks given by important club members

and regular entertainment in the form of

high and low jinx which are basically

just performances of various kinds

usually comedy or music

but what bohemian grove is really all

about is getting hammered then urinating

both frequently and aggressively the

first drink of the day a gin fizz is

served in bed by camp staff and the

alcohol keeps on flowing until long

after the sun's gone down unsurprisingly

considering bohemian club members are

almost exclusively gentlemen of advanced

years with prostates the size of

medicine balls there's a lot of visits

to the little boy's room or at least i

would be if there actually was a little

boy's room bohemian club members urinate

exclusively in the great outdoors a

privilege so important to them they've

even fought to defend it in court i'll

get to that in a minute with so many

influential people rubbing shoulders

you're probably assuming that plenty of

important business deals and world

altering policy decisions are made at

the camp every year but the club is

strict when it comes to talking business

its motto is weaving spiders come not


a line from shakespeare's a midsummer

night's dream that warns that bohemian

grove isn't supposed to be used as an

opportunity to network or do business

deals but like basically all mottos ever

this one is widely ignored plenty of

people go to bohemian grove with an

agenda and whilst most of the

earth-shuttering decisions that have

been made during

boozy nights amongst the redwoods are

remembered only by those involved a few

have become public knowledge

for example rumor has it that an early

planning meeting for manhattan project

including the likes of robert

oppenheimer and nobel prize winning

physicist ernest lawrence took place

during the 1942 iteration

of bohemian grove

directly leading to the invention of the

atomic bomb

earth-shattering indeed

by the way if all this important people

get together to do weird stuff in the

woods business is sounding kind of

familiar it may be that you're a house

of cards fan in series 5 of the netflix

show frank underwood played by kevin

spacey goes on an outdoor retreat with a

fictional secret society known as

elysian fields which draws heavily on

bohemian grove the episode opens with a

parody of the cremation of care ceremony

complete with a giant talking crow

statue and the burning of a human effigy

elysian fields has a motto too

buzzing bees do not sting here it's a

minor miracle the bohemian club didn't


considering the guest list you won't be

surprised to learn that security at the

grove is taken very seriously the

redwood enclave is watched over by what

can best be described as a small private

army kitted out with high-tech gear

including thermal cameras

night vision goggles and both motion and

vibration sensing alarms the us secret

service has also been known to lend a

hand from time to time when the guest

list demands it

i should probably mention that bohemian

grove and the bohemian club in general

has come in from its fair share of

criticism over the years mostly due to

what some people see as sexist policies

no woman has ever been a full member in

the club's 150 year history and female

staff aren't employed at bohemian grove

in any capacity unless you believe the

rumor that the club's prepared to relax

its gender policies when it comes to

prostitutes when the club was first

formally charged with discrimination in


they fought back arguing that their

members wouldn't be able to urinate as

openly and liberally as they wanted to

if women were present at bohemian grove

the court ruled in their favor that

decision was eventually overturned but

the bohemian club did the litigatory

equivalent of asking to see the judge's

manager by filing an appeal with the

california superior court

at the subsequent trial they argued that

being male should be considered an

occupational qualification and since

most women struggle mastering the skill

of having a penis

they simply aren't qualified to work at

the grove the court once again ruled in

the club's favor the world's changed

quite a bit in the last 40 years hasn't

it oh i should probably mention that the

california superior court judge who

reached this

somewhat controversial decision

was known to have attended bohemian club

events on several occasions but i'm sure

that had absolutely nothing to do with

this decision whatsoever bohemian grove

ends every year as it began with an

elaborate performance

though thankfully no children real or

otherwise are burned in this one instead

a majestic redwood rimmed arena with

seating for up to 2 000 people

roughly the same capacity as london's

royal opera house hosts an end of camp

performance known as the grove play

written and performed exclusively by

grove club members and supported by a

full orchestra and production team it's

reported that grove plays which are only

ever performed a single time can cost

upwards of a hundred and fifty thousand

dollars to stage

oh and since no women are allowed to

become members of the club any female

characters are played by men in drag

the oxford english dictionary defines a

bohemian as an artist literary man or

actor who leads a free vagabond or a

regular life and i don't know about you

but george bush senior isn't the first

person that springs to mind when i hear

the word vagabond i'm not the only one

who's picked up on this little

contradiction either when oscar wilde

visited the bohemian club in 1882 he was

heard commenting that he'd never seen so

many well-dressed well-fed

business-looking bohemians in all his


despite the somewhat optimistic branding

there's no doubt the bohemian club and

its two-week urination orgy in


will continue to capture the public's

imagination for as long as it exists

there's just something inherently


about so many important people gathering

under such unusual circumstances to do

all these bizarre things


normals have always been interested in

how the other half lives

although i think it's safe to say that

up until now most of us assumed it was


leader jets and mansions than ritual

burnings and drag

so is bohemian grove a place where a

bunch of old white guys in various

states of midlife crisis go to recapture

their lost college days

or the hub of an illuminati-like

organization with a punch hunt for

burning babies i'll leave that up to you

oh and one last conspiracy theory for

you before i go

this is the u.s capitol building seen

from above

notice anything strange it looks a bit

like an owl right some people believe

that's a quiet nod to the bohemian club

right in the heart of washington dc

and intriguingly enough the current

design for the grounds was drawn up in


two years after the bohemian club was

founded of course back then the club was

literally no more than a bunch of

journalists with no power whatsoever but

hey why let the truth get in the way of

a good conspiracy

thanks for watching

good news you can now pre-order my new

book bread and circuses what did the

romans ever do for us

it's a wild and witty journey for a

thousand years of unexpected roman


That marks the end of my blog. Please follow for more.

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