This is a blog about science and conspiracies

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Ever had dejavu? This is why.

Hey guys welcome to my blog here is what we gonna talk about today. 

The film Groundhog day, released back in 1998, is set in the town of Woodstock - no, not

that one - and tells the story of Bill Murray’s character Phil Connors, who repeatedly relives

February 2nd.

Hey, Thoughty2 here.

The film Groundhog day, released back in 1998, is set in the town of Woodstock - no, not

that one - and tells the story of Bill Murray’s character Phil Connors, who repeatedly relives

February 2nd.

Wait, did I do that bit already?

Chances are that, like me - and good old Bill Murray - you’ve had that strange feeling

where you feel like you’ve already experienced a situation before, even though you know you


That sensation, of course, is déjà vu, and between 60 and 80% of us will experience it

at some point in our lives.

But what exactly is déjà vu, and what causes it?

Well, according to professor of psychological science James Lampinen, déjà vu is “a

strong sense of global familiarity that occurs in a seemingly novel situation.”

It’s that little nagging voice in your head saying “I’ve been here before” when

you know that’s not the case, unless you’re eating cheese straight out of the fridge at

2am – we both know it’s not your first time.

The phenomenon was first named by a French parapsychologist Emile Boirac in 1876.

The name itself is fairly self-explanatory—déjà vu means “already seen” in French.

But why was it a parapsychologist - someone who studies psychic phenomena - who was so

interested in it?

Well at the time, déjà vu was considered so strange it was thought to be something

supernatural, much like clairvoyance or mediumship.

For many years, it was considered an area unworthy of study, most often explained away

as a side effect of reincarnation or possibly even alien abduction.

Never been in this room before that somehow feels so familiar?

Well then, you must have been here in a past life, obviously!

Either that or aliens vigorously probed you on this very spot before wiping your brain.

But over the years, the scientific community has begun to take déjà vu more seriously

- though the same can’t be said for the general public - a 1991 Gallup poll of attitudes

towards déjà vu saw it placed alongside astrology, paranormal activity, and ghosts—you

know, the holy trinity of ridiculous superstitious beliefs.

The name déjà vu itself has become a catchall term for unexpected familiarity, but there

are actually several different varieties of the phenomenon to remember.

Déjà entendu is the sense you’ve already heard something that’s in fact new to you

– not to be confused with Deja Nintendo, which is when you suddenly remember you’ve

been playing Pokemon for six days straight and need to get a life.

There’s also, déjà pensé, the feeling you’ve had a particular thought before,

when in reality you haven’t.

Déjà gouté relates to food, and déjà voulu, weirdly enough, is the sense you’ve

desired something - or someone - before, when you haven’t.

It’s important to note that déjà vu is completely different to precognition, which

is where people have the feeling they know what’s about to happen.

That’s not déjà vu as much as it is claiming to be psychic and mental.

To be on the safe side, psychologists have actually tested this out.

Back in the 1950s, when scientists had free rein to attach whatever they felt like to

people’s brains, direct stimulation of the frontal cortex, which induced déjà vu, was

found to also produce the feeling of premonition—but without granting any actual power to predict

things or see the future in any way.

And more recent, less brain-proby experiments have found exactly the same thing.

These days, we separate déjà vu into two distinct types.

The first, what we’d consider “regular” déjà vu, is seemingly random, and the second

is associated with neurological conditions like temporal lobe epilepsy.

This latter form is usually accompanied by other symptoms and is termed pathological

déjà vu.

It’s caused by disease or injury of some kind, particularly damage to or malfunction

of the frontal lobe, the part of the brain that handles memory.

Pathological déjà vu is easier to study, since it occurs far more frequently in the

individuals it affects, and researchers have been able to identify the areas of the brain

where the feeling originates.

But pathological déjà vu is generally considered to be a little bit different from your normal

everyday déjà vu.

For instance, those suffering from this condition may actually think they’ve been in a given

situation before for sustained periods of time, rather than merely experiencing a fleeting


A British man, Pat Long, suffered from one of the worst cases of déjà vu on record.

In his mid-thirties, Pat was diagnosed with a brain tumour the size of a lemon after suffering

epileptic seizures.

To most of us, déjà vu is nothing more than a strange moment, a kind of ‘huh, that’s

weird’, that lasts no more than a second or two.

Pat’s déjà vu was something else entirely.

In fact, it wasn’t really déjà vu at all, but déjà vecu, meaning ‘already lived’

- we’re building up quite the nice little list of French vocab here, aren’t we - anyway,

as the name suggests, Pat’s déjà vecu meant he would believe he had lived whole

sequences of events before.

The feeling was so strong and would last so long that for weeks on end he would be almost

entirely unable to differentiate between past experiences and the present, with memories,

hallucinations, and the products of his own imagination all interchangeable to him.

Epilepsy sufferers often experience bouts of déjà vu during seizures, as well as the

experience described as the opposite of déjà vu - jamais vu - Meaning “never seen”.

Jamais vu is when a situation that should be familiar instead feels foreign for some

reason, as if you’re experiencing it for the first time.

While not quite so famous as it’s cousin déjà vu, jamais vu is easier to induce—repeat

any word aloud enough times in a short space of time and it will slowly start to lose its

meaning meaning meaning meaning meaning meaning meaning meaning meaning meaning “meaning”…meaning?

Inducing déjà vu is far more difficult, which means studying the sensation can be

tricky - that’s part of the reason we still don’t know exactly how it works or what

causes it.

For most of us, it’s not a daily occurrence, so getting data on a significant scale in

a lab setting is difficult.

Difficult, but not impossible.

As part of a 2006 study, scientists at Leeds Memory Group used hypnosis in an attempt to

induce déjà vu.

They theorised the sensation was caused by a kind of malfunction in memory processing.

When the human brain is presented with a new scene, it carries out an internal check to

see whether elements of the scene have been observed before.

If they have, a different part of the brain identifies the scene as familiar.

The researchers hypothesised that déjà vu occurs when the second part of this process

is triggered without the first, and they were able to successfully use hypnosis to artificially

trigger the malfunction simply by telling hypnotised participants that the next time

they saw a particular word, they would know it was familiar but not know where they’d

last seen it.

Does that explain the mystery then?

Well, not necessarily.

Because other researchers attempting to recreate déjà vu have come to their own, sometimes

very different conclusions.

According to a 2014 study conducted at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, déjà

vu may actually be a healthy and important neurological failsafe that performs a conflict

resolution function to prevent false memories from forming.

As part of the experiment, researchers used word association techniques to convince participants

they’d been shown certain words they hadn’t, effectively forming simple ‘false memories’.

When later quizzed on these memories, around two thirds of participants reported experiencing

déjà vu.

Interestingly, MRI scans of their brains showed activity not in the hippocampus, which is

responsible for memory, but in the frontal cortex, which is responsible for decision


The researchers theorised that déjà vu was experienced as the brain attempted to resolve

the conflict between what the participants had actually seen, and what they thought they’d


As interesting as these ingenious lab-based explorations of déjà vu are, it’s also

possible there’s a much simpler explanation to all this - that déjà vu is simply triggered

by a ‘forgotten’ memory.

After all, it’s well established that less important and infrequently accessed memories

are eventually forgotten, or at least suppressed to some extent.

Déjà vu may just be the feeling we get when something we’re experiencing is similar

to one of these discarded memories that’s gone but not-quite-forgotten.

Frequent travellers are also thought to experience déjà vu more regularly than others, which

perhaps supports this theory - the more places you’ve been and the more different things

you’ve seen and done, the more likely it is that a seemingly new experience might feel

familiar to you, because it’s similar to something you no longer quite remember - consciously,

at least.

We can’t talk about Déjà vu without giving a quick shout out to Sigmund Freud, who believed

the phenomenon was caused by repressed desires or old traumatic memories, because, well,

that guy linked everything to repressed desires and trauma.

He also had a suspicion that regular suffers of déjà vu were most likely fixated with

their mother’s genitals, but let’s face it, Freud wasn’t happy until he’d gotten

at least one set of genitals into each of his theories, so we can probably take that

with a pinch of salt.

Saying that, there was some method to his genital-based madness on this occasion - Freud

reasoned that your mother’s ‘secret garden’ is the only place in the world every single

one of us has been just once before (I would hope).

Whether or not people born by caesarian section experience déjà vu is, so far as I’m aware,


There’s a thesis subject for you budding psychologists out there.

Make sure you give me a mention in the acknowledgements.

Another older explanation, albeit one that remains a valid theory today, is known as

dual processing.

It suggests our experiences are handled in both hemispheres of the brain, and any delay

in processing from one side may cause that eerie feeling of déjà vu.

This was tested by Robert Efron in 1963, and he found that the temporal lobe of the brain’s

left hemisphere is where incoming information is sorted.

But he also found that the temporal lobe receives this information both directly and after a

short detour through the right hemisphere of the brain.

If, for any reason, the information traveling through the right hemisphere is delayed at

all, it could be assigned the wrong timestamp, giving a feeling of familiarity we assume

is from long ago, but is in reality from mere moments before.

This idea that déjà vu may actually be a sense of familiarity from extremely recent

events rather than past ones underpins another possible cause of the phenomenon - divided


The idea here is that when your attention is split as you experience a new situation

- for example if you’re talking to a friend as you enter a pub for the first time - it

may be that you take in your surroundings subliminally without really paying attention

to them.

In essence, you’re subconsciously observing the situation faster than you consciously

process it.

The gap between the completion times of these two processes isn’t noticeable enough that

you’d suddenly pause like a robot without a command…

…but it is enough to think you’d experienced the event before, since, as in the dual processing

theory, you kind of already have, fractions of a second ago.

To test this, Marsh and Brown showed groups of students photographs of various locations

and asked them if they were familiar.

Unbeknownst to the students, some of the images had been flashed onto the screen just before

for a very short time, only 10 to 20 milliseconds, which was long enough for the students’

brains to pick up on the images, but not long enough to consciously notice them.

As expected, the locations that had flashed up, like those creepy transition shots in

The Ring, had wormed their way into the students’ subconscious and were recognised as familiar,

even though the students had never been to any of them.

Whichever theory you like the sound of, the truth is they’re all still just that - theories.

Despite science’s best efforts, we still don’t know for sure what causes déjà vu.

One of the latest studies, published in 2019, found that people who experienced déjà vu

more frequently used different parts of their brain to retrieve memories than people who

rarely or never do..

In particular, frequent déjà vu-ers—I’m well aware I’ve completely massacred the

French language by this point—showed less activity in their hippocampi, the so-called

librarians of the brain that help consolidate memories, suggesting that people who don’t

get déjà vu may simply be those with better memories.

Equally, if you consider the fact that déjà vu is most prevalent in people between 15

and 25 years old, perhaps it’s just a sign that we’re not senile yet and can still

tell real memories from fake ones—a comforting thought for anyone in that age bracket, and

a sobering one for all of us over the threshold.

Of course, I couldn’t go this whole video without a quick nod to the more out-there

explanations, like that from the Denzel Washington thriller appropriately titled Déjà vu, where

it’s the result of FBI-sponsored time travel, and particularly the one made famous by Keanu

Reeves wearing all black.

No, I’m not talking about John Wick, or his adverts for Saint Laurent menswear, or

even his red carpet appearance at the Toy Story 4 premiere—seriously Keanu, don’t

get typecast or anything.

No, I’m talking about his rise to superstardom in The Matrix.

Do I need to do a spoiler alert for a 21-year-old film?

Anyway, as you doubtless remember, in the film, Neo sees the same cat cross a doorway

twice and nonchalantly comments, “oh, déjà vu” as if seeing the world literally repeat

itself before your very eyes is no big deal.

His team very much disagree, jumping into action as Trinity explains that déjà vu

is usually a glitch in the matrix that happens when they change something.

And hey, if you want to take déjà vu as evidence we’re all just motionless bodies

plugged into the machine, I’m not gonna stop you.

That marks the end of my blog . Please follow for more.

Why Did The Fastest Plane Ever Built Have To Be Destroyed?


Hey guys welcome to my blog here is what we gonna talk about today. 

According to Benjamin

Franklin nothing in this world is

certain except death taxes and the

irrepressible advance of human


okay so I made that last one up but you

have to admit it's hard to argue year

after year the phone in your pocket is

pumped with pixels and sharper cameras

your laptop gets a faster processor and

more memory your car gets safer and more

efficient and yet another FIFA game is

released that's an absolute minimum one

percent better than its predecessor then

again perhaps there's a good reason Mr

Franklin chose not to include my

addendum with his famous quote you know

aside from the fact that he died 232

years before I suggested it because it

turns out that technology hasn't always

progressed so predictably

War Thunder is the most comprehensive

vehicle combat game ever made play more

than 2 000 tanks planes helicopters and

ships in Dynamic combined arms PVP

battles I really admire the incredible

detail of each vehicle which really

increases the immersion you can play now

on PC Xbox series X and S PlayStation 5

or the previous gen of consoles War

Thunder features a huge collection of

vehicles that span over 100 Years of

development from 1920 to the present day

there's an in-depth customization system

so you can camouflage your vehicle and

add historical markings the graphics are

incredible with detailed 4K resolution

authentic sound effects and beautiful

music creating an atmosphere you can

fully immerse yourself in but my

absolute favorite part of War Thunder is

the damage system which is the most

dynamic and detailed I've ever seen

there are no General hit points instead

Vehicles suffer actual damage to their

components and crew a damage x-ray shows

exactly what happens to you or your

enemies Vehicles as it's damaged or

destroyed play War Thunder now on PC

Playstation or Xbox using my link in the

description by clicking my unique link

and registering you'll get a large free

Bonus Pack including multiple premium

Vehicles premium account boosters and

much more and thanks to War Thunder for

sponsoring this video take a look at

these two pictures one of these

airplanes is a Cutting Edge machine

introduced to the market in 2018. the

other was designed in the 50s and made

its Maiden flight in 1969 four months

before Neil Armstrong became the first

man to walk on the moon

okay so there's a fair chance you know

which is which Here Concord is arguably

the most iconic aircraft ever built but

just pretend you didn't for a second

if you'd never seen these two planes

before which one would you think was

half a century newer I know which I'd go

for there's something undeniably

futuristic about concord's Alpha wings

and sharply pointed nose but the

differences are more than just whole

deep the Airbus A330 Neo has a maximum

speed of 570 miles per hour and a

cruising altitude of 41 450 feet

Concord on the other hand this ancient

Relic that predates the personal


flew 50 percent higher and more than

twice as fast

if you were to hop on a plane from

London to New York today the trip would

take you around eight hours Concord

could do it in under three

this is a plane that flew so high its

passengers could see the curvature of

the earth and so fast it tore through

the air quicker than a nine millimeter

bullet fired from a handgun so just what

the hell's going on here how could a 60

year old plane possibly surpass a much

more advanced one that's only a few

years old and why did Concord ultimately

get mothballed why 60 years on can I not

fly a commercial craft as fast as the

mighty Concord if you're already

familiar with this story you might think

you know why Concord failed because of

safety concerns following the

high-profile crash of Air France flight

4590 in the year 2000 but it turns out

that's a common misconception prior to

that Infamous incident Concord was

arguably the safest plane in the entire

world without a single fatal accident in

its entire 30 years of service

so if safety wasn't the issue

what was the short answer to that

question is the sticky science of air

resistance Sonic booms Osama Bin Laden

and the internet as for the long answer

well I'll see what I can do

right from its Inception the development

of Concord was a colossal pain in the

ass a joint venture between France and

Britain it was supposed to be an

Airborne technological statement that

would be the Envy of the world but

creating a commercial airplane capable

of cruising at twice the speed of sound

turned out to be far more complicated

than anyone had anticipated a plethora

of technical hurdles stood in the way

and some impressive engineering was

required to leap over them including the

development of concord's distinctive

droop nose to improve pilot visibility

during Landing

the creation of the first carbon-based

brakes ever used in an aircraft to help

handle High Landing speeds and numerous

structural Innovations designed to cope

with the extreme forces that pass

through the plane's frame when

maneuvering at high speed then there is

the fact that Concord flew so fast its

outer surface heated up considerably

during flight through friction with the

surrounding air

despite cruising at 60 000 feet where

typical temperatures are minus 55

degrees Celsius when Concord landed it

was still warm to the touch

innovative solutions were developed to

cool the plane inside and out including

the use of onboard fuel as a heat sink

old hold thousands of different

challenges had to be overcome to get

Concord off the ground and the technical

Wizardry required to do so cost a lot of

money by the time Concord was finally

fit to fly it was one of the most over

budget projects of all time projected to

cost 70 million pounds

it ended up exceeding 2 billion but even

with all that money spent and all those

technical problems abracadabred out of

existence concord's issues were only

just beginning

in the early days of the project the

public were incredibly excited about the

prospect of this new revolutionary form

of air travel but their excitement soon

gave way to dismay when people finally

saw or should I say heard Concord for

the first time

to this day it remains one of the

loudest commercial airplanes ever built

it's colossal cacophony came chiefly

from its four Rolls-Royce after burning

turbojet engines which were loud enough

to Rattle windows and set off car alarms

near runways

that certainly sucked if you lived near

a major airport but it was the other

instrument in concord's infernal

orchestra that really upset people the

infamous sonic boom

as you probably know a sonic boom is

produced when you hold backwards for two

seconds then tap forwards and punch

sorry wrong video as you probably know a

sonic boom is produced when an object

breaks a sound barrier

what you may not know is that the term

itself is actually pretty misleading a

sonic boom isn't a single sound that

only triggers once as the barrier is

broken it's a continuous noise created

by a Shockwave that persists so long as

the plane exceeds the speed of sound

that might sound like semantics but it's

actually a really important distinction

because it means a sonic boom produced

by Concord which could be loud enough to

cause minor structural damage to

buildings and even shatter glass would

be heard by every single person within

30 miles of its entire flight path

by the way if you've ever noticed that

sonic boom sound a lot like thunder

that's because that's exactly what

Thunder is

when lightning strikes it rapidly heats

the surrounding air creating a shock

wave that spreads faster than the speed

of sound which in turn creates a sonic


anyway when the general public first

began to realize that having a bunch of

Concords flying around would make their

Lazy Sunday Afternoon stroll in the park

feel more like a day at the shooting

range there were widespread protests

much like it did at the nose cone of a

Concord about to go supersonic pressure

began to mount

and soon enough countries chose to close

their airspace to supersonic travel

Concord could still fly at subsonic

speeds over land and supersonic speeds

over the ocean

but the Overland speed restrictions

severely limited the potential routes it

could fly faster than a regular plane

on the back of all the hype Concord had

taken over 100 orders through the 1960s

but as they extend to supersonic travel

bands became clear

those orders were canceled at an

alarming rate until only two Airlines

remained Air France and British Airways

and since they were the National

Airlines of the two countries behind the

entire Concord project it's safe to

assume they didn't have much choice in

the matter

in the end just 14 Concords made it into


seven for Air France and seven for BA

what was supposed to have been an

exciting New Dawn for air travel was now

beginning to unravel

it's widely believed that Concord was

never profitable but that isn't actually

true Concord did indeed run at a loss

for several years after its launch in

1976. at one point things got so bad the

entire fleet was almost scrapped but

then some clever Economist at ba came up

with a radical idea for how to make more


they quadrupled their ticket prices by

the late 1990s a return flight from

London to New York on Concord was about

30 times more expensive than the

cheapest alternative and twice the cost

of flying first class on a subsonic play

but those who could afford it didn't

care Concord was quite simply the most

glamorous way to get around

buy yourself a ticket and there was

every chance you'd end up sitting next

to a politician a prominent CEO a

Hollywood celebrity or a really

hard-working drug dealer for a few

decades during the 80s and 90s anyone

who was anyone was flying Concord

multiple heads of state at least one

Pope Queen Elizabeth II and even the

Olympic torch were all proud members of

the 11 miles high club

by the mid-80s concord's unique brand of

flight-based fomo allowed both Air

France and ba to turn a solid profit and

Concord continued to be a supersonic

success for most of the following two


but sadly the good times were about to

reach an Abrupt end

on the 25th of July in the year 2000 Air

France flight 4590 took off from Charles

de Gaulle Airport in Paris on its way to

JFK International

in New York

the trip was about

3625 miles all told but it's only

managed five

before crashing into a hotel in a

Parisian suburb

both hotel and plain were utterly


and all 109 people on board were killed

along with five on the ground

passenger plane crashes are rare so they

tend to make the headlines but when the

most prominent plane on the planet

plummeted to the Earth

it was a global sensation

the entire Concord Fleet well all 14

planes were grounded whilst an

investigation was carried out into the

cause of this crash in the end it was

found that a strip of metal that had

fallen off a different aircraft had

punctured one of concord's tires during

takeoff which in turn caused a big chunk

of debris to smash into the underside of

one of its wings

the impact caused a fuel leak the fuel

ignited and power to the left-hand

engines was lost ultimately bringing the

plane down

The Quirk of Statistics that by some

measures that one single crash turned

Concord from the safest plane in the

world to the most dangerous overnight

before the year 2000 Concord had flown

for more than three decades without a

single fatal accident until now

but the crash wasn't curtains for

Concord safety improvements were made to

the wheels and fuel tanks and they were

soon back in the sky to give you an idea

of just how famous Concord was by this


first post-accident test flights were

aired live on TV and crowds gathered at

both the origin and destination airports

on September the 11th 2001 a modified ba

Concord completed its first test flight

with a full complement of passengers on


yep it was that September 11th

The crucial test flight landed just

hours before the World Trade Center

terrorist attacks

the two events were obviously unrelated

but the combined effect of the

high-profile crash and the sharp drop in

demand for international travel after 9

11 saw concord's passenger numbers


of course it was a rough time for the

airline industry in general not just

Concord and perhaps they might have been

able to weather the storm had things

gone a little differently

but behind closed doors the final nail

was about to be hammered into the

Concord coffin Bear In Mind by this

point Concord was more than 30 years old

it sported an entirely analog cockpit

and relied on a whole host of very

complex very out-of-date systems it was

so complicated that it required an extra

crew member to fly a dedicated flight

engineer a role at modern aircraft at

the time had long since done away with

in 2003 Airbus who by that time had

acquired aerospacelle the French company

that originally manufactured Concord

alongside the British aircraft

Corporation revealed that they would no

longer be making replacement parts for

this ancient aircraft

in other words if Concord was going to

stay in the air it would need to be

rebuilt from the inside out with

passenger numbers falling in the wake of

the double whammy of the famous crash

and the World Trade Center attacks it

was an easy decision to retire the

service altogether

in 2003 that's exactly what happened

okay so that explains why Concord died

but why have no other supersonic planes

ever come to take its place

first of all whilst technology has come

a long way in the 20 odd years since

Concord was retired physics has proven

to be stoppingly unwilling to change

Sonic booms have refused to stop

sonically booming and whilst the likes

of NASA and Lockheed Martin are in the

process of testing supersonic aircraft

capable of dampening the effect there's

no way to eliminate the noise entirely

for that reason Overland commercial

supersonic travel is still banned in

most countries which continues to limit

possible routes and therefore the

commercial incentive just isn't there

and there's another problem as a plane

speed increases so too does drag that's

actually why we started calling it the

sound barrier in the first place

when Pilots first had access to jet

propelled aircraft around the time of

the second world war they experienced

such a dramatic increase in aerodynamic

drag at high speeds that it seemed as

though they were reaching some kind of

genuine speed barrier that couldn't be


Chuck Yeager proved that to be false on

the 14th of October 1947 when he broke

the sound barrier in the cockpit of the

Bell X1

but the effect of drag at high speed

still poses a problem even today amongst

other things it makes flying at

supersonic speeds seriously inefficient

which would naturally inflate ticket


and in an industry that accounts for 2.5

percent of global CO2 emissions it's an

environmental concern too less

efficiency equals more fuel burn per

passenger mile

and here's a question for you is

supersonic flight even worth it Concord

operated in a time before Humanity was

ruled over by the omnipotent Overlord

that calls itself the internet

if you were a fat cat businessman in the

1980s crossing the Atlantic in three

hours instead of eight meant less time

disconnected from The Real World

closer multi-million dollar deal or two

in the time you saved by flying Concord

and the ticket paid for itself

but thanks to the internet these days

that same fat cat can cross the Atlantic

in the lavishly luxurious first-class

cabin of a regular aircraft without ever

disconnecting from his Virtual Office

Concord was never particularly Fancy on

the inside because there simply wasn't

the space the need for a hyper

streamlined profile kept the internal

Dimensions firmly on the tiny side now

admittedly I don't know many fat cat

businessmen but I'm guessing plenty

would rather spend eight hours feeling

like God himself in Emirates first class

than free feeling like a slightly

squashed Sonic on Concord despite

everything I've said there are still

plans of foot to bring supersonic

flights back from the dead several

different companies are working on

overcoming the many issues associated

with it with boom technology perhaps the

most promising call me old-fashioned but

to my mind it's a bit odd to name your

product after its biggest drawback

American Airlines recently put down a

deposit of 20 of booms planned Overture

supersonic aircraft but as for whether

or not that will actually come to

anything only time will tell as of today

a hyper-expensive Sonic booming jet fuel

guzzling supersonic jet whose ticket

prices can only be afforded by the

world's richest people sounds like a

distant and unlikely dream

then again that's what they said about


thanks for watching

once again remember to play War Thunder

now on PC Playstation or Xbox using my

link in the description by clicking my

unique link and registering you'll get a

large free Bonus Pack including multiple

premium Vehicles premium account

boosters and much more so don't miss out

That marks the end of my wonderful article.  Please follow for more.

What really happens to the the Earth's most secretic place.


Hey guys welcome to my blog. Here is what we are going to go through today.

 What do richard nixon jack

london david packard walter cronkite

herbert hoover michelle rocker george

bush senior and clint eastwood all have

in common are they

a all american all dead or 

all one time members of a shadowy secret

society that carries out creepy and

possibly satanic rituals in the woods at


well let's see unless my timing with

this video is really bad then clint

eastwood should still be alive so

that's b out

and former prime minister michelle

rocker was more french than frog's legs

so a's out as well which leaves us with


but that obviously can't be true i mean

all those important and respected men

running around in the woods as part of

some shady illuminati-like organization

that would be insane

actually it is insane

because it's 100 percent


now folks if you've watched my channel

for a while you'll know i'm a huge fan

of manscapes and their new performance

package 4.0 kit which is the world's

first all-in-one men's grooming kit that

makes trimming the hedges safe

and easy but manscaped is so much more

than a ball trimmer company because

their new performance package 4.0 bundle

now includes their awesome weed whacker

nose and ear hair trimmer this

impressive trimmer comes with the same

proprietary skin safe technology as

their lawnmower body trimmer for you

that means less nicks snags and tugs the

manscaped weed whacker uses a powerful

9000 rpm motor with a 360 degree rotary

dual blade system

allowing you to safely whack your weeds

i should know i've worked quite a few

myself with this thing plus it's the

only nose hair trimmer on the market

with a cordless rechargeable lithium-ion

battery that lasts for up to 90 minutes

of use it really is time to upgrade your

manscaped routine with the weed whacker

nose and ear hair trimmer and the best

part is if you go to

forward slash 42 today you'll receive 20

off and free international shipping at


that's forward slash 42. i

think i speak for all of us when i say

thank you to manscaped for keeping our

pubes trimmed

and our noses free of weeds

every single one of the people i just

mentioned presidents actors leaders of

industry celebrated writers

was at one time or over a member of the

bohemian club perhaps the most powerful

private organization in existence and

also one of the most controversial

thanks to its reputation for doing some

shall we say

unusual things when the world is looking

the other way

the bohemian club was founded in san

francisco way back in 1872 by a group of

journalists with an interest in the arts

but over the course of its near 150 year

history the demographic of its members

has shifted dramatically the artists are

still there but these days the

journalists have mostly been replaced by

a generous helping of some of the most

influential men alive we're talking

multiple u.s presidents ceos of the

world's largest companies ivy league

university directors curators of

renowned museums

leading scientists and a whole host of

prominent politicians and policy makers

from across the globe it used to be said

that if you weren't on the waiting list

for membership by the age of 30 you'd be

dead before being accepted but it isn't

just a long list of illustrious members

that makes the bohemian club

so intriguing because

every year a couple of thousand of its

members descend on a private tract of

redwood forest in northern california

for what can best be described as a

two-week scout camp with a twist

that twist being remarkable amounts of

alcohol a series of bizarre rituals and

some of the world's most powerful men in


welcome to bohemian grove

the camp kicks off every year in the

same strange and slightly terrifying


with the ritual burning of a human


i meant with the ritual burning of a

human effigy in sacrifice

sorry that was quite an important

difference wasn't it

this ceremony known as the cremation of

care is purely symbolic the effigy

represents the club members many cares

and responsibilities

by burning it the worries of the outside

world are banished to spice things up a

bit the whole ceremony takes place under

the watchful gaze of a towering 12 meter

owl statue the bohemian club's mascot

this giga owl takes an active part in

the ceremony too

speaking in the pre-recorded voice of

legendary news reader walter cronkite

and just in case all of that wasn't

weird enough bohemian club members who

take part in the ceremony all wear what

look like ku klux klan robes that

someone accidentally put through the

wash with a red sock it probably sounds

like i'm making all of this up but

seriously the cremation of care ceremony

happens each and every year to open the

bohemian grove camp

alex jones of infowars fame even managed

to film it once after sneaking into the

grove back in the year 2000

scarily enough having witnessed the

ceremony first hand

jones was convinced it wasn't an effigy

that was being burnt at all but an

actual living human child

sacrificed by these

men who rule the world as part of some

disturbing occultist ritual

once the cremation of care is out of the

way and everyone's worries have been

thoroughly incinerated

the camp truly begins

the location itself is stunning by the


nestled amongst towering california

redwoods the world's largest trees

bohemian grove is big enough to house

several thousand club members


there's an open-air dining circle that

can seat

1500 people and as for sleeping

arrangements there are a dozen or so

smaller camps spread across the site

each with its own distinct reputation

and famous patrons

george bush senior walter cronkite and

nasa astronaut frank bormann are known

to have favored a camp known as

hillbillies and herbert hoover was a

longtime occupant of caveman make of

that what he will

this picture from 1967 was taken at

breakfast in a camp called owl's nest

one of the most prestigious

harvey hancock is the one in the middle

he was eisenhower's campaign manager

during the 1952 american election the

guy sitting on either side ronald reagan

and richard nixon oil magnate edwin

paulie and nobel prize winning chemist

glenn seborg are also present

so how do these masters of the universe

spend their two-week sojourn in the

forest aside from burning children alive

obviously well there are daily lakeside

talks given by important club members

and regular entertainment in the form of

high and low jinx which are basically

just performances of various kinds

usually comedy or music

but what bohemian grove is really all

about is getting hammered then urinating

both frequently and aggressively the

first drink of the day a gin fizz is

served in bed by camp staff and the

alcohol keeps on flowing until long

after the sun's gone down unsurprisingly

considering bohemian club members are

almost exclusively gentlemen of advanced

years with prostates the size of

medicine balls there's a lot of visits

to the little boy's room or at least i

would be if there actually was a little

boy's room bohemian club members urinate

exclusively in the great outdoors a

privilege so important to them they've

even fought to defend it in court i'll

get to that in a minute with so many

influential people rubbing shoulders

you're probably assuming that plenty of

important business deals and world

altering policy decisions are made at

the camp every year but the club is

strict when it comes to talking business

its motto is weaving spiders come not


a line from shakespeare's a midsummer

night's dream that warns that bohemian

grove isn't supposed to be used as an

opportunity to network or do business

deals but like basically all mottos ever

this one is widely ignored plenty of

people go to bohemian grove with an

agenda and whilst most of the

earth-shuttering decisions that have

been made during

boozy nights amongst the redwoods are

remembered only by those involved a few

have become public knowledge

for example rumor has it that an early

planning meeting for manhattan project

including the likes of robert

oppenheimer and nobel prize winning

physicist ernest lawrence took place

during the 1942 iteration

of bohemian grove

directly leading to the invention of the

atomic bomb

earth-shattering indeed

by the way if all this important people

get together to do weird stuff in the

woods business is sounding kind of

familiar it may be that you're a house

of cards fan in series 5 of the netflix

show frank underwood played by kevin

spacey goes on an outdoor retreat with a

fictional secret society known as

elysian fields which draws heavily on

bohemian grove the episode opens with a

parody of the cremation of care ceremony

complete with a giant talking crow

statue and the burning of a human effigy

elysian fields has a motto too

buzzing bees do not sting here it's a

minor miracle the bohemian club didn't


considering the guest list you won't be

surprised to learn that security at the

grove is taken very seriously the

redwood enclave is watched over by what

can best be described as a small private

army kitted out with high-tech gear

including thermal cameras

night vision goggles and both motion and

vibration sensing alarms the us secret

service has also been known to lend a

hand from time to time when the guest

list demands it

i should probably mention that bohemian

grove and the bohemian club in general

has come in from its fair share of

criticism over the years mostly due to

what some people see as sexist policies

no woman has ever been a full member in

the club's 150 year history and female

staff aren't employed at bohemian grove

in any capacity unless you believe the

rumor that the club's prepared to relax

its gender policies when it comes to

prostitutes when the club was first

formally charged with discrimination in


they fought back arguing that their

members wouldn't be able to urinate as

openly and liberally as they wanted to

if women were present at bohemian grove

the court ruled in their favor that

decision was eventually overturned but

the bohemian club did the litigatory

equivalent of asking to see the judge's

manager by filing an appeal with the

california superior court

at the subsequent trial they argued that

being male should be considered an

occupational qualification and since

most women struggle mastering the skill

of having a penis

they simply aren't qualified to work at

the grove the court once again ruled in

the club's favor the world's changed

quite a bit in the last 40 years hasn't

it oh i should probably mention that the

california superior court judge who

reached this

somewhat controversial decision

was known to have attended bohemian club

events on several occasions but i'm sure

that had absolutely nothing to do with

this decision whatsoever bohemian grove

ends every year as it began with an

elaborate performance

though thankfully no children real or

otherwise are burned in this one instead

a majestic redwood rimmed arena with

seating for up to 2 000 people

roughly the same capacity as london's

royal opera house hosts an end of camp

performance known as the grove play

written and performed exclusively by

grove club members and supported by a

full orchestra and production team it's

reported that grove plays which are only

ever performed a single time can cost

upwards of a hundred and fifty thousand

dollars to stage

oh and since no women are allowed to

become members of the club any female

characters are played by men in drag

the oxford english dictionary defines a

bohemian as an artist literary man or

actor who leads a free vagabond or a

regular life and i don't know about you

but george bush senior isn't the first

person that springs to mind when i hear

the word vagabond i'm not the only one

who's picked up on this little

contradiction either when oscar wilde

visited the bohemian club in 1882 he was

heard commenting that he'd never seen so

many well-dressed well-fed

business-looking bohemians in all his


despite the somewhat optimistic branding

there's no doubt the bohemian club and

its two-week urination orgy in


will continue to capture the public's

imagination for as long as it exists

there's just something inherently


about so many important people gathering

under such unusual circumstances to do

all these bizarre things


normals have always been interested in

how the other half lives

although i think it's safe to say that

up until now most of us assumed it was


leader jets and mansions than ritual

burnings and drag

so is bohemian grove a place where a

bunch of old white guys in various

states of midlife crisis go to recapture

their lost college days

or the hub of an illuminati-like

organization with a punch hunt for

burning babies i'll leave that up to you

oh and one last conspiracy theory for

you before i go

this is the u.s capitol building seen

from above

notice anything strange it looks a bit

like an owl right some people believe

that's a quiet nod to the bohemian club

right in the heart of washington dc

and intriguingly enough the current

design for the grounds was drawn up in


two years after the bohemian club was

founded of course back then the club was

literally no more than a bunch of

journalists with no power whatsoever but

hey why let the truth get in the way of

a good conspiracy

thanks for watching

good news you can now pre-order my new

book bread and circuses what did the

romans ever do for us

it's a wild and witty journey for a

thousand years of unexpected roman


That marks the end of my blog. Please follow for more.

This is why you really shouldn't be on the dark web.


Hey guys welcome to my blog here is what I'm up to today.

An educated lady known to be of impeccable  character is sitting at her computer. She  

pauses for a brief second, looking outside at  the night sky, and then writes, “With a gun,  

in the street. $12,000 is fine. Just do it ASAP.”  Whoever is the other side of that message writes,  

“For $4,000, we’ll throw acid in her face, and  for $50,000 we’ll torture her to death.” The  

woman shakes her head. “No, just kill her.” That’s based on a true story, and the person  

this woman was talking about could have been you. Today you’ll hear about hitmen, drug traffickers,  

killers, and even cannibals, who’ve all at some  point been caught up in the darkest part of the  

Internet. You’ll hear why this is not a place you  should go to, and we’ll give you many reasons why. 

First of all, you should know where you’re  going when you visit the dark web. In short,  

it’s hidden within something called the  deep web. The deep web is just the part  

of the internet not accessible  by your standard search engines,  

and that makes up most of the net. The dark web  accounts for only about 0.01% of the deep web. 

To get there, you’ll have to download  certain software on your computer,  

such as the Tor browser. This should give you  anonymity, although as you’ll see today, that’s  

not always the case. Tor was invented by the US  government to create anonymous communications,  

and today you can find journalists and activists  using it as more open communication could find  

them in a spot of trouble. WikiLeaks,  for instance, is a part of the dark web,  

although it also publishes on the open web. With this in mind, it’s not illegal to download  

some software and start using the dark web. It’s  what you do with all that anonymity that counts,  

which is what you’re going to hear about in this  rather dark show today. Let’s also remember that  

you might just be a curious sort of person who  just wants to have a look around the dark web,  

but by doing this there is always  the chance you might walk down the  

wrong virtual alleyway and find yourself in a  place you wish you had never gone. You might  

also be a marked man after this, or worse… Before we talk about the really creepy stuff  

on the dark web, we should first talk about  drugs, the illegal kind. Some of you might  

have met a person who told you they ordered the  purest drugs they’ve ever had on the dark web,  

and it was delivered to their door  without a problem. Wow, how convenient,  

but listen on before you put your order in for  a sheet of colorful acid tabs and two dozen  

ecstasy pills that look like little LEGO bricks. You can indeed do this, and many people have,  

with one former big fan of the dark web  drug business calling the place “Amazon  

run by cartels.” He explained that just about any  illegal drug you could think was there on offer,  

including “precursors”. You fans of Breaking Bad  will know that these are the substances you need  

to make certain drugs, such as crystal meth. And believe it or not, the sites selling the  

drugs are often pretty reliable since there is  a place to give feedback to the seller. So, you  

might find a comment that says, “Grade A coke and  delivered on time. Top seller.” A few years back,  

there was a seller with the name Jesus of Rave. On  his site, he stated in quite a professional way: 

“Working with UK distributors, importers, and  producers to source quality, we run a tight  

ship and aim to get your order out same  or next day. This tight ship also refers  

to our attitude to your and our privacy.  We have been doing this for a long time.” 

It seems that ordering drugs on the dark web in  Britain really took off a few years ago. There  

are also lots of recent news reports stating that  seizures of ecstasy and amphetamines in the post  

had increased dramatically, with the drugs mostly  coming from The Netherlands after being ordered  

on the dark web. The Guardian wrote in 2019: “Criminal organizations in the Netherlands  

are major producers and exporters of synthetic  drugs, exported via sea containers or trucks,  

but there is said to have been a growth  in online purchases in which the postal  

services are exploited. The US, Australia, and New  Zealand are the main recipients outside Europe.” 

The same article said that a sting operation  led police to a massive 300kg of drugs and 51  

firearms. That same year, a dark web site called  the “Wall Street Market (WSM)” was shut down in  

Germany, and arrests were made. The owners were  making big bucks selling heroin, cocaine, weed,  

and speed, as well as malicious software,  counterfeit documents, and stolen data. It  

worked in six languages: English, French,  German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. 

At the time, prosecutors wrote, “WSM operated  like a conventional e-commerce website, such  

as eBay and Amazon. However, its sole existence  was geared to the trafficking of contraband.” 

As you probably know, the money to be made  selling drugs is just so good that arresting  

dealers or traffickers is like playing a game of  whack-a-mole. You put one in prison, and another  

pops up. The war on drugs has been nothing but a  failure for the most part, with the authorities  

looking like Sisyphus, that guy who was told he’d  have to push a round rock up a hill for eternity.

This means two things. One thing is that you  can be assured that despite these arrests you  

can still go on the dark web right now and order  pretty much any drug you want. But it also means  

that you can be assured that some men with badges  will be trying to put you in prison for it. This  

is why it is dangerous. You might think you can  get away with it seeing as you have anonymity,  

but you actually don’t. The FBI and other law  enforcement entities are all over the dark web. 

This is the problem with the dark web: You can  get eaten by spiders. When people think they  

have impunity, they can get careless.  That’s what happened recently when 150  

people were arrested in an operation called  “Dark HunTOR.” Law enforcement from Europe,  

the US, and Australia were involved and about  25 million bucks’ worth of drugs were taken. 

In this case, no small-time buyers were arrested,  just the sellers, but cops warned about something  

else. Many of the drugs these days contain  the killer substance Fentanyl. This stuff  

works well in hospitals for pain relief and  might sound good to a hardcore opiate addict,  

but the truth is, there have been  a startling number of news reports,  

including ones involving famous  people, of folks thinking they’ve  

taken a drug like cocaine and died because  the white powder also had fentanyl in it. 

As we write this, five people died all at  once of an accidental overdose in the US  

when they didn’t know their powder contained  this drug. But doing a quick search, we could  

have chosen numerous stories that included  the words “accidental Fentanyl overdose.” 

We don’t condone drug use here, but  if a person is intent on taking drugs,  

then the safest thing would be to know what you  are taking. When you order from the dark web,  

you really don’t know what you are getting and  since everything is anonymous the seller might  

not care too much about what they are giving you. Even if you die, there is very little chance they  

will ever be arrested. We even found a story  containing the words “fentanyl-laced ecstasy  

tablets.” Rave to the Grave might be the  suitable expression here. Unfortunately,  

while it could save tens of thousands,  maybe even hundreds of thousands, of lives,  

the authorities for the most part have always  been dead set against providing folks with  

easily available drug testing equipment. On top of this, sometimes the buyers do  

get arrested. There was a story in 2020 that  stated 179 people were arrested in a massive  

bust involving multiple drugs and guns, and some  of those arrested were buyers. Most were in the  

US, and the others in the UK, Germany, Sweden,  the Netherlands, and Austria. At the time,  

the authorities claimed that the “golden age of  the dark web marketplace is over” but they’ve  

been claiming to be winning the war on drugs since  people still watched black and white television. 

Nonetheless, Europol had a warning for  prospective buyers and sellers, saying,  

“The hidden internet is no longer hidden,  and your anonymous activity is not anonymous.  

Law enforcement is committed to tracking down  criminals, no matter where they operate – be it on  

the streets or behind a computer screen.” They’ve even been arresting small-time dealers,  

as can be seen in one story involving a “Florida  Man.” Using the name “dacandyman”, his line of  

work was mostly the distribution of cocaine. He  would send the stuff right to your house via the  

mail, and guess what, once he was arrested the  cops also knew where he’d been sending the stuff. 

We’ll add one more thing here- some people on  the dark web might be pretending to sell drugs,  

but all they are after is your personal  information. They are looking to exploit  

that information, and as you’ll soon see,  sometimes so they can blackmail you. Mostly,  

though, they are phishing in order to get their  hands on your money. You can buy “Phishing Kits”  

on the dark web, but you can also be phished. Ok, so maybe drugs are not your thing. Maybe  

you’re not really into anything illegal, but  you do have a very curious mind. When someone  

told you they had a video of a man being cut up  with a chainsaw, you just had to watch it. Freak! 

Unfortunately, gore sites are all over the open  internet, and while it’s not technically illegal  

to post videos of such things as someone being  stoned to death, beheaded, or perhaps eating a  

great big dish of steaming poop, sometimes what  you see will forever scar that mind of yours,  

unless of course you are either desensitized  to that kind of thing or are a bit on the  

weird side. That makes up a lot of society,  actually, seeing as just one site back in  

the day called Best Gore was getting in  the region of 10-20 million hits a month. 

The owner of best Gore was eventually  arrested after posting the video called  

“1 Lunatic 1 Ice Pick”, which consisted of an  eternally unstable manic named Luka Magnotta  

dismembering a guy and then sending some of the  body parts to schools and political offices.

Obviously, that was a very serious crime and  Magnotta is now in prison where he belongs. If  

you know the story, you will know that before he  was arrested animal activists were also hot on his  

tail because some of the videos consisted  of him doing very bad things to kittens. 

So, maybe one day you get on the dark web and  end up seeing something you wish you hadn’t,  

although we guess right now some of you are  thinking that Infographics Show writers are just  

big wusses. Maybe a bit of gore is nothing to you. According to the Washington Post, much of the  

worst gore talked about that is supposedly  available on the dark web is just that:  

talk. You may have heard that you can watch  a movie that stars a person being murdered,  

aka, a snuff movie, but they may not actually  exist. Some of them are set up, and no one dies,  

or the rumors about certain films are just rumors. Still, videos of accidental deaths, or executions,  

do exist, and it is not illegal for you  to watch them. As one writer pointed out,  

“It's illegal to murder somebody. It's illegal  to watch somebody get murdered and not report  

it. But it's not illegal to watch an online  snuff film. At least not at the moment.” 

You wouldn’t, for instance, have  been in trouble if you watched a  

video that surfaced on the web made by  the so-called “Dnepropetrovsk maniacs.”

These two Ukrainian teenagers brutally murdered  21 people in 2007 and they filmed a lot of the  

violence. For a time, you might have been  able to see some of that on gore sites,  

but not anymore. Still, as we speak, people are  going to the dark web to watch similar stuff. 

One journalist went there to check out such gore,  later writing that there is a danger in becoming  

desensitized to it. He said in an article, “I  could make you physically sick in minutes by  

showing you stuff now, but the second or the third  or fourth time you see it you can get desensitized  

to it all. It happens to a lot of people.” It creates a lack of empathy in people,  

and the more you watch, the worse that gets. We  don’t need to tell you that this isn’t good for  

your mental well-being, but this guy said people  get addicted to it. He added, “I don’t know what  

drives people to do it. It’s just pure evil. Why  does someone want to watch that? The uncomfortable  

truth is there is a lot of evil out there.” Then you could be down one of these bloody  

rabbit holes and really see something you wish  you hadn’t, content of a sexual nature that is  

very much illegal. Your curiosity could possibly  take you there. In 2019, the BBC reported that 337  

people were arrested in 38 countries because they  were involved with such content. Of the users,  

the police said, “They're not as  cloaked as they think they are,  

they're not as safe as they think they are.” You never know if you are being watched when  

you’re on the dark web. There was a recent  case of a guy in the US that talked on a web  

forum in the dark web about killing his  wife. He asked other people for advice  

on how he might do it. He wrote, “I aim to  ensure my wife’s death within the 18 months,  

ideally long after our divorce is finalized (about  6-8 months from now). This is the only way I can  

begin a new life with full custody of my child.” After some discussion, he came up with poison,  

which he said he might put in her coffee,  wipe on a door handle, or just slip on her  

feet while she was asleep. He then tried to buy  what the authorities called a “chemical weapon.”  

They later explained to the media that it was “a  colorless, volatile, flammable and highly toxic  

liquid” that can be “easily absorbed through the  skin and may produce life-threatening systemic  

effects with only a single drop.” The man bought the chemicals, too,  

paying $95 for a 10-milliliter vial. The problem  is, the seller was none other than the FBI. Agents  

arrested him after he went to the place he’d  asked for it to be mailed. Once in custody,  

he admitted to the murder plot, and said he’d  been thinking about using the dark web to hire a  

hitman but he told agents that “hiring a hitman  would be as expensive as getting a divorce.” 

Hiring a hitman on the dark web could also  get you in trouble. Not too long back,  

you could have visited a so-called hitman-for-hire  website on the dark web and found one that stated,  

“If you want to kill someone, we are the right  guys. We have professional hitmen available  

throughout the entire USA, Canada, and Europe  and you can hire a contract killer easily.” 

One guy was told that he could have his wife  killed for $6000 and the death would look like  

an accident. A bunch of such sites were around  back then, with names such as Sicilian Hitmen,  

Ndrangheta Hitmen, Camorra Hitmen,  Bratva Mafia and Yakuza Mafia. They  

were all actually owned by the same person. One site claimed, “We offer you a large  

international network of experienced hitmen  and provide services to beat up, set fire, or  

kill customers’ targets. We assign hitmen in the  same country as the target with the appropriate  

skills that match the job specifications.” The thing was, the guy behind the sites  

never even intended to kill anyone. He just took  the money, and at times talked to the FBI. There  

have been instances when someone went on  the dark web trying to hire a hitman, and  

after payment was made, the person got arrested. This happened not too long with a British doctor,  

and it later happened to a woman in Denmark  for hiring someone to whack her former  

boyfriend. A very recent case included a  51-year-old woman in Florida who’d gone  

on the dark web and tried to hire a hitman  to murder the new wife of her ex-boyfriend.

She paid $12,000 in Bitcoin and a further  $350 for the gun, and all that information  

was seen by the FBI. The agency also saw her first  message, which read, “I am looking for a quick hit  

in southern Florida. Is anyone available?”  This was a woman with a Master’s Degree,  

who’d had her own financial consulting  business, and regularly attended church. 

She was sentenced to six and a half years in  prison. The website was just another scam,  

although it looked real enough. It  stated that the prices were $5000  

for “death by shooting”, $20,000 for “death by  sniper”, and just $2,000 for a good beating. 

Another recent case involved a man in Italy  who’d paid 10,000 Euros ($11,885) in Bitcoin  

for men to go visit his girlfriend and beat  her to death. European police got wind of this,  

although news stories didn’t state exactly how. In 2020, a woman in Michigan was also hoodwinked  

by such a website that she believed had  18,000 operatives working worldwide.

She gave the site $5,000 to knock off her husband.  It turned out that the site was run by a man in  

the US who never killed anyone but pretended to  be a hitman as a way to catch potential criminals.  

This is a murky area since such websites  might entice folks to want someone killed. 

The owner of the site told the media that since  he’d started up, he’d talked to 400 people who  

were looking to have someone killed and a few  people who’d wanted to sign-up as hitmen. The  

guy said about 10 percent of the people  he chatted with had legitimate requests,  

and that’s when he informed the cops. The point we are making is when you’re  

on the dark web, you never quite know with whom  you are getting involved. We are sure some of  

you would think it would be funny to talk to a  hitman and pretend you wanted someone killed,  

but even that could get you in trouble. Still,  the owner of the aforementioned site said he  

always waited a day to ask the person if they  still wanted the job done. If they did, he then  

got on the phone with law enforcement. Talking  about one of his first cases, he told the media: 

“I get an email from a woman saying she needed  three people murdered. A few hours later,  

she sent a second email with the names and  addresses of the people she wanted killed.”  

The woman was a British-Canadian who said the  people she wanted dead had stolen the inheritance  

she should have received from her father. The website owner added, “She wanted to get  

even. She was gonna stop at nothing. I reached out  to a friend who was a sergeant and said, 'I think  

this lady is serious, can we request a welfare  check? The friend notified Canadian authorities.” 

She was eventually sent to prison for a few  months for soliciting to commit murder. The  

website owner was proud, saying he helped save  the lives of three people, although you have to  

question if this woman would have had those  killed in the end or killed them herself. 

The web is full of these stories. One website  claimed that it wouldn’t just kill people,  

but would torture them to death, although  that would set the client back a whopping  

$50,000. Painless poisoning was $42,000. An acid  attack was $4000, and crippling was $10,000.

Not only are these sites scams, but even if  a person doesn’t get reported to the police,  

how will they ask for their money back?  They don’t even know who they’ve been  

talking to and there is no way they can  go to the cops about their missing money. 

These days the newest hitman websites on the dark  web tell people that there are all kinds of hitman  

scams out there, but that they are the real  deal. One site declared, “We can provide video  

proof of our services, with time stamps. Again,  such proof is not possible for fake services.”

Sometimes they will go to great lengths to look  real, too, with one website going as far as hiring  

some dude to set a car on fire and film it just to  show the potential client that he meant business.  

It was later found out that the guy who’d  set the car on fire was a man in California  

who’d contacted the website and said he somehow  wanted to get involved with the hitman business. 

The website in this case was called Besa  Mafia. It was later talked about in the  

media after it was discovered that after a man  had paid $6,000 to have his wife killed and it  

never happened, he then killed her himself. There is no shortage of spiders and crazy  

people on the dark web, which in general  is why you ought to give it a wide berth.  

We can find only one instance when it has been  proven that hitmen were hired on the dark web  

and actually went through with the murder. That was a case in Russia when two teenage  

boys killed a drug trafficker for  a rival drug trafficker. In short,  

if you go to the dark web and try to hire someone  to do something nasty for you, you’ll likely just  

lose a lot of money and then end up in prison. Not too long ago you might also have met a  

British man named Matthew Falder, a person  you could call the embodiment of evil.

Using the names ‘666devil' and ‘evil-mind’,  this guy went on dark web forums and talked  

about all manner of disgusting things,  usually involving young people. His thing  

was to lure people online into thinking  he liked them, and then as time went on,  

he’d ask them to make very compromising videos  of themselves. Since he was well-spoken and  

seemed sincere, people fell for it. Falder  was very educated, holding a position as a  

geophysicist researcher at Birmingham University. Once he had his hands on the images or videos he  

said that if the victims didn’t pay him a whack  of cash, he’d send the content to everyone they  

knew. In one message, he told a young victim  that he would “send the images to everyone on  

Facebook associated with your school, and  in letters to your parents and teachers,  

explaining with printouts of all the  pictures that you will strip for money.” 

Most of the victims were naïve and it wasn’t  that hard for a highly-educated maniac to  

manipulate them. In some cases, he told them to  film themselves licking toilet seats and eating  

dog food, after which he posted the content to  his many fans on the dark web. He wrote in one  

post to those fans, “Glad you are all enjoying  her suffering” and later "I love blackmail,  

especially forcing someone met online to do  things they don't want to for amusement.” 

Imagine visiting websites where people like that  post things. Imagine virtually befriending this  

person and not knowing what you were getting into. Another example of blackmail involved a man who  

wrote on Reddit that not too long ago  he’d tried to buy drugs on the dark  

web and had given an address, only for him  to receive a letter instead of the drugs.

The letter stated, “Congrats you BLEEP. You have  been participating in illegal activities and we  

have had our eye on you.” The man didn’t send  any cash and the scammer was at best amateurish,  

but this is just another example  of how when you go on the dark web  

you are potentially making yourself vulnerable. One other thing some people go on the dark web to  

do is just to pretend to be something they’re not  as that in itself can be kind of exciting. These  

people sometimes roleplay very dark fantasies.  This can also get you in trouble, never mind  

blackmailed if you meet the wrong person. You might have heard of the case of a New  

York City police officer who got the name the  “Cannibal Cop”. His real name was Gilberto Valle.

A few years ago he was sentenced to a prison term  for going on a website called Dark Fetish Net and  

talking about how he wanted to kill and eat women,  including his own wife – the woman who eventually  

found those disturbing messages on his computer. He didn’t just talk about it, either, but had a  

list of around 100 women whose names and addresses  he had thanks to his job as a cop. One of his  

messages about his wife said that he wanted to let  “her bleed out then butcher her while she hangs.” 

It was a big case at the time because this guy  really didn’t seem like a killer at all. In court,  

he said his conversations on the  forum were all about role-playing  

and he never intended for anyone to get hurt. He said in court, “As time went on, you know,  

more and more people wanted to do these role  plays with me because I was really good. I  

kind of wanted to provide and be a little more  graphic and kind of not disappoint - again,  

the competitive side of me came out.” Valle wasn’t using the dark web. This  

stuff was out in the open, but make no mistake,  there are more people like him on the dark web,  

a lot more. He was eventually cleared and released  from prison, but his case begs the question,  

just how much can you just talk about crimes  online without falling foul of the law? 

Can you roleplay online or just mess about  and get in trouble? We are guessing that  

some of our viewers would try this with  friends just for fun, maybe to see who replied  

and to understand the depravity of certain people  online. You should probably give that a miss. 

In 2018, a man in the US went on the dark web  and found a forum where he left this post: 

“I’d like to try cannibalism, and see how it  feels to take a life. If you’d be willing to  

let me kill you, are in the US (preferably in  the south) and can travel by car, contact me.” 

His name was Alexander Nathan Barter and  at the time he was just 21-years old.

First of all, yet again we are showing you what  kind of people you might meet on the dark web,  

but secondly, even if you yourself posted  this kind of content as a kind of joke you  

should know that not long after Barter posted  that message it was read by an officer working  

for the Texas Department of Public Safety. That agent replied, saying he was willing  

to give his daughter to Barter for the expressed  purposes, namely for killing and eating. Several  

other emails were exchanged, in which Barter  told the agent to meet him and bring a spare  

set of clothes and a burner phone. In another  email, he stated, “I really want to do this.” 

Barter was arrested on the day  the murder was supposed to happen,  

and on him at his house was a knife and some  plastic bags. But was this just part of a dark,  

twisted fantasy, or would he have really done it? The jury thought so and a judge sentenced him to  

40 years in prison. In court, the prosecution  said, “As this chilling case demonstrates,  

online talk is not always just talk. The  constant vigilance of our law enforcement  

partners has prevented an evildoer  from finding a like-minded accomplice  

and bringing his grisly plan to fruition.” A site that no longer exists on the open web  

was called The Cannibal Café. When it was still  up, you could have read posts with titles such as,  

“I really fantasize about being  butchered, roasted, and eaten.”

Then in 2001, a computer specialist in Germany  

named Armin Meiwes killed a  man he’d found on that forum.

His victim was Bernd Jürgen Armando Brandes. Both  

men were in their 40s when they  agreed to go through with this.

The two met and let’s just say what happened  was one of the strangest dates in history,  

and in the end, bits of Brande ended up in  Meiwes’ freezer, and the cannibalistic fetishes  

he’d had since he was a child became  a reality. He also ended up in prison. 

Meiwes told the court that for many years  he’d only fantasized about doing such things,  

but it was when he found a real-life cannibalism  website that things moved from fantasy to  

possibility. He added, “If I hadn’t been so  stupid as to keep looking on the Internet,  

I would have taken my secret to the grave.” As we said, his interactions with his victim  

happened on the open web, but that was back  in the day. These days if you want to talk  

shop about eating people, you’d struggle to do  that out in the open virtual space. As we showed  

you with the Texan guy, the dark web is the  place to go for that kind of thing these days. 

You might find a forum with someone saying  something like this (real dark web comment),  

“I need someone to eat my fresh meat. I am juicy  and tender”, but we are guessing most of these  

people are just messing around for the sake of  being a bit naughty. Still, now you know that law  

enforcement could be reading such messages,  we don’t recommend risking playing around. 

As another example, one guy we found said he did  a bit of messing about on the dark web. He later  

said on a forum, “I was trying to make a small  explosive for a dumb little movie I was gonna  

make with my friends. I found myself in the dark  corners of the internet. One site, in particular,  

had a text document downloaded talking about how  to sneak explosives past metal detectors. NSA is  

probably all over me right now.” He could be right. 

There might not be any Red Rooms on the dark  web, or hitmen who’ll torture your ex to death,  

or ghastly human experiments with homeless  people, but there certainly are sexual deviants  

and torture fans only too happy to share  content with you. There might be the odd  

person who wants to chat about eating human  eyeballs with you, and there is a long list  

of folks who want to sell you guns, drugs,  and someone’s personal data. Those people  

might also be law enforcement or blackmailers. Unless you’re depraved, desperately drug-addicted,  

downright evil, or a dedicated journalist  or activist in hiding, then why would you  

go there? The real reason you shouldn’t visit  the dark web is there’s just no point and if  

you aren’t any of the things we just mentioned,  there really is no reason at all. Pandora’s box,  

as full of snakes as it is, is best  left locked. Even if you do manage to  

get yourself flagged by law enforcement or  scammed by a heartless fiend, you’ll have  

to wade through a lot of junk to get there. Now you need to watch this fascinating story.

That marks the end of my blog. Please follow for more.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Where people go to wake up in the future.


our goal is to have reversible suspended

animation just like in the movies can

you just put me in stasis and wake me up

in the future when everything's ok again

I hope that I won't have a biological

body but I'll have a body made out of

nanobots so tell me is cryonics a pipe


let's face it we're all going to die and

it'll probably happen sooner than we

like but what if there was a way to

escape the apocalypse in fact what if we

could cheat death altogether

freeze ourselves in time and wake up in

the future when all of our problems have

disappeared the idea of putting humans

into cryo sleep is everywhere in science

fiction Han Solo trapped in carbonite

Captain America frozen in ice but what

about the real world

can we stay off death through the power

of cryonics

I've come to Scottsdale Arizona to find

out welcome to the Al Khor Life

Extension foundation the self-proclaimed

world leader in cryonics for just under

a quarter of a million dollars

Alcor is selling a second chance at life

the AL core team looks after nearly 200

people who are waiting to take that

second chance one small catch every

person preserved here has been

pronounced clinically dead but al khor

that's just a technicality our best

estimates are that within fifty to a

hundred years we will have the medical

technologies needed to restore our

patients to health and function the team

at Al Khor refers to its customers as

patients and just like patients in a

hospital alchohol hopes that in the

future they'll be restored to full

health when they arrive each body or

patient depending on how you look at it

goes through a technical process to

increase their chances of survival on

the other side they're treated with

chemicals and drugs carefully called

lowered into a giant steel vat of liquid

nitrogen and stored at minus 196 degrees

Celsius all in the hope that one day

they will live again

alcor's officers are simple enough but

in the middle of this building is

possibly the strangest and most

unsettling thing I've ever seen a field

of stainless steel tanks holding the

bodies and heads of a hundred and

seventy dead people frozen in stasis how

many people in each one of these each

one of these has approximately nine

patients four whole body patients around

the outside and then there's a stack in

the middle which holds five neuro

patients yes neuro patients people who

elected just to preserve their heads not

only is it less expensive it also saves

on space that would be the neuro can

that the patient is in and it of course

has identification on it

each of these vessels is known as a

Dewar a custom-designed insulated tank

that's filled with liquid nitrogen and

computer controlled to preserve the

bodies inside their massive even

considering how many bodies and heads

they contain

but these doers have been designed to


alcohol's patients for decades why are

they so tall I can't help but think that

I'm not that tall there's a lot of

insulation both around underneath and on

top these lids do come off the

insulation on the lid comes down almost

to here Wow and people often ask us what

happens if the electricity goes out it

doesn't matter for our patients we do

have backup generators to keep our

computers running and that sort of thing

but these patients are in liquid

nitrogen it just sits there at minus 196

Celsius we don't have to cool it the

patients are not damaged in any way by a

power out

it's hard to imagine who would want to

sign up for cryonics I figured it would

just be sci-fi mad doomsdayers or ultra

rich billionaires but the photos of

patients that Lynelle cause walls point

to a pretty normal looking clientele

more than 1200 people have signed up for

our core services of the 170 patients

roughly three-quarters of men but

otherwise it's a fairly even spread

retirees mums and dads even a very young

girl she had brain cancer and her

parents had her cryo preserved they

wanted to come over and do a Buddhist

ceremony so we put her picture on the

capsule for them to have that ceremony

my husband is in this Dewar right here

and so I come in every now and then say

hi Fred

how you doing

okay let's get this out of the way the

science behind cryonics is completely

unproven it's a highly experimental

experts say there's no way to perfectly

preserve the human brain or reverse the

biological finality of death but for

alcohol being declared clinically and

legally dead isn't the end legal death

only really means that your heart and

your lungs have stopped functioning

without intervention doesn't mean your

cells are dead it doesn't mean even your

organs are dead up until maybe 30 or 40

years ago most people in medicine

thought that death was an event on/off

switch you're either alive or you're

dead it's now pretty well understood

that it's a process it takes hours after

your heart and lungs stop functioning

for you to really be totally dead

alcohol says if you intervene early

enough and preserve the body as quickly

as possible after death there's no

reason you couldn't be brought back in

the future when science has improved so

what exactly do you do to a dead body if

you hope to bring it back to life one

day well turns out it's not as simple as

dropping it in a tank of liquid nitrogen

when a patient arrives they are brought

in to L cos facility for stabilization

this room kind of feels like a cross

between a hospital and morgue the

initial process varies depending on how

long the patient has been dead and

whether they were placed on ice before

arriving but here the goal is to start

cooling the body as quickly as possible

and for that they go into a sort of

post-death life-support the patient is

placed in the ice bath and then covered

with additional crushed ice the patient

is intubated to restore the lung

function and oxygenation to the blood

there's a mechanical thumper which is

placed on the patient's chest so that

the blood starts circulating again

and that's important to circulate our

protective medications but the real

action happens in the operating room

where the body goes for cryo protection

via surgeons pump blood out of the

patient's veins and replace it with

cryoprotectant eventually you're just

trying to cool them down and you know

putting effectively like an antifreeze

in Velen exactly is a medical grade

antifreeze so that their cells do not

crystallize when they go past the ice

point so our bodies are made up of about

50 to 60 percent water when that water

starts to freeze it forms ice crystals

which damage the body's organs and veins

but by replacing that water with

cryoprotectant alcohol says it can

slowly lower the body's temperature and

it will vitrify kind of turning into a

glass-like state rather than freezing

and in that state you can keep a cryo

preserved body in liquid nitrogen for

decades it takes about six to 12 hours

to cool the body and fill it with

cryoprotectant ready for long-term

storage but the good news it's much

quicker if you're just doing it to a

head and how long would all of this

process take well it doesn't take us

long with the whole body because

obviously you don't have this as much of

a mass so the procedure can frequently

be only half as long okay so why would

you only preserve your head well the

most important things for Alcor is to

keep the brain intact that's the core of

our memories our personality everything

that makes us who we are the idea is

that by the time technology is advanced

enough to bring a brain back to life we

could upload it or even grow a new body

from scratch

once close to 99% of the water in the

body or head has been replaced the

patient is gradually called to minus 196

degrees Celsius from there they go into

the long-term care room and that's where

they stay



walking through a room full of fog

surrounded by dead bodies and severed

heads it felt like I was walking through

a graveyard I found it really hard to

believe these people would be coming

back to live and walk among us and I'm

not alone in fact one neuroscientist

says the evidence points to a pretty

grim outcome for the people who get

Cryer preserved Ken Hayworth has a PhD

in neuroscience and he's a former member

of al khor he founded the brain

Preservation prize to challenge the

cryonics community to prove that they

could preserve a brain without damaging

it and according to Hayworth no one has

come close so I've seen examples of

animal brains that were preserved under

ideal laboratory conditions by a

technique that's very similar to what

they say they use in cryonics companies

they didn't show ice crystals but they

showed a tremendous amount of shrinkage

there was probably a lot of damage and

to those structures that encode memory

but if cryonics was your one hope for

waking up in the future then there might

be some good news Hayworth says he has

seen evidence of a way to preserve brain

so that the neural connections stay

intact it's a technique called aldehyde

stabilized cryopreservation it almost

instantly glues together all the

proteins in the brain now you're as dead

as a rock at that point you're ain't

coming back but the advantage of that is

it glues all of them in position it

doesn't destroy information that means

that in the future you could potentially

scan upload and even simulate that brain

but there's a catch you ideally need to

do it while a person is living what's

the downside

well the downside is that it kills you

but then again everything kills you I'm

not sure that this is the solution for

me I needed a second opinion so I

decided to make one final stop the

apartment of neuroscience at Columbia

University in New York I needed to know

is death really the end could we

actually preserve and restore a human

brain without any damage Ken Miller is a

professor of theoretical neuroscience at

Columbia University and when it comes to

the promise of cryonics he's not

convinced so tell me is cryonics a pipe

dream in my opinion yes according to

Miller we're a long way from

understanding how the human brain works

so working out a way to perfectly

preserve it and revive it in the future

that's a long way off the most basic

answer to how the brain works is we

don't we don't know we know how a lot of

pieces work we know how neurons work at

least a lot about how neurons work in my

opinion it's at least thousands of years

before we wouldn't know and really

understand how the brain works it's just

a complexity it just it levels on levels

and levels and levels it's beyond really

the imagination okay but even if we

could find a way of perfectly preserving

our brains and uploading them in the

future I still had one question if I

found a way to chronically go to sleep

and then be woken up in the future would

I still be Claire I think so but it's a

funny question because of course if it

was all information that you got up into

a computer that was somehow running and

making something feel like Claire well

we could have a million of them on a

million different machines and each of

them would feel like Claire but

immediately just like twins start having

divergent experiences and becoming

different people and so all these

different Claire's would immediately

start having different experiences and

becoming different Claire's

but while Ken Miller says with thousands

of years away from understanding the

human brain back in Arizona

Alcor CEO max more has a different view

I do believe that what makes you who you

are can be brought back in the future so

long as you've got cryopreserved under

reasonably good conditions I think

everything important is hard coded up

here so long as we retain the structure

over time we hopefully will reach a

point where we can actually restore the

function so right now what we can do is

preserve the structure we cannot reverse

the process today but I think it's not

doesn't violate laws of physics as a

matter of time and better technology

cryonics isn't cheap at 220,000 dollars

for a full-body or 80,000 for a neuro

preservation it's a high price to pay

for hope Moore also says there are no

guarantees with cryonics Alcor doesn't

exactly let you choose which day you

want to be woken up still I guess your

chance of waking up from here is

probably better than if you go to the

crematorium you know I think what we're

doing is we're killing people who could

potentially be preserved we're just

throwing them in the ground and having

been eaten by worms and bacteria or

we're burning them up and to me that's

kind of crazy when we could give them a

chance if they want it do you see this

then is kind of the ultimate insurance

policy it really is actually real life

insurance I mean you think about life

insurance is actually death insurance

pays out on death this really is life

insurance is it's a back-up plan in case

you don't live long enough till we

figured out the biology of Aging but

while critics say people like the team

at Alcor are trying to play God more

simply wants to push the bounds of

what's possible if people say well it's

unethical to try and live longer makes

me scratch my head so compared to what

what is the right lifespan you've got to

the Bronze Age and people died in their

20s and 30 used to be go back at all

oh yeah like a century ago and people

died in their 40s is 70 right is 80

right there is no you know privileged

answer to that so I think it's ethical

to give people the opportunity to live

as long as they choose to live in good

health they can decide when their time

is up

before coming to ELQ or I thought people

who believed in cryonics were kind of

mad I'm still not convinced on the

science and I think we're a long long

way of bringing a dead person back to

life but after being here I realized

maybe they're just adventurous members

of people who are not afraid of that

they can look at as a grand adventure

you know take some getting used to the

future but I'm looking forward to it

I hope that I won't have a biological

body but I'll have a body made out of

nanobots so it's sometimes referred to

as a nanobots swarm or a nano cloud and

it will be much more durable I can be as

beautiful as I want to be I won't be old

any more already

thank you listening to Linda Chamberlin

it's clear that she really cares about

her patients and she's passionate about

cryonics for her and the rest of the

team at Alcor cryonics might be a long

shot but it's still a chance at this

stage putting myself on ice and sleeping

through the apocalypse just isn't an

option which means there's only one more

way I can think of to escape the end of

the world and it's going to take a giant

leap to get there

Ever had dejavu? This is why.

Hey guys welcome to my blog here is what we gonna talk about today.  The film Groundhog day, released back in 1998, is set in the town of Wo...